Insane. Intense. Impossible.
That's what I used to think when I thought about the possibility of me and self love. After years of self abuse, fear, insecurity and just plain being out of whack I am figuring out that loving myself (in spite of myself) might just be the answer.
I have come a long long way on that journey. I have learned some amazing tools and made some amazing friends (hello support.) BUT...I need to remind myself regularly to stay balanced and to check in with where I am at. Am I still balanced? If I am not - what part of me is needing attention?
And this blog is how I am going to do just that. Each week (sometimes maybe more) I will be checking in. It will ensure that I am at least thinking about myself and touching base with my heart. It will also give me a place to dump some things, both struggles and successes, that have helped me on the road that I am on.